UCPB exchange rate updated today at the head office. UCPB exchange rate today, UCPB USD rate, UCPB forex is always the question Filipinio ask. Follow this article to know exactly the exchange rate.
Information of UCPB?
The United Coconut Planters Bank, more popularly known by its initials, UCPB, or by its old name, Cocobank, is a government-controlled and one of the largest banks in the Philippines, ranking within the top twenty banks in the country in terms of assets. It is the only existing universal bank not listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange. The bank, owing to its name, caters heavily to coconut farmers, but also serves a wide-ranging clientele.
UCPB overview
- Full name: United Coconut Planters Bank
- Short name: UCPB
- Date of first business registration: May 15, 1963
- Address: UCPB Corporate Offices, 7907 Makati Avenue, Makati City, Philippines
- Phone and email:For general concerns
(02) 8811-9111 or 1-800-1-888-9777 (toll-free from any PLDT landline)
crc@ucpb.com (weekdays, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm)For ATM concerns
(02) 8811-9292 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)For Auto Loans, Home Loans, Salary Loans and Personal Loans
(02) 8811-9100 (weekdays, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm)
loans@ucpb.comFor Corporate Availments of Collections, Disbursement and Account Management Services
(02) 8811-9191
corporatehelpdesk@ucpb.com (weekdays, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm) - Website: https://www.ucpb.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCPB.Connect
UCPB Exchange Rate – UCPB Forex
Currency | Buying Rate | Selling Rate | Date/Time Last Updated |