Canadian dollar to Peso – CAD to PHP Exchange Rate (update 07.2024)

Canadian dollar to peso conversion is something that we all need to do whenever traveling to the country. We all need to follow several steps to ensure that we get the best deal possible from our transaction.

Exchange Canadian dollar to Peso

Exchange Canadian dollar to Peso

Our writing will give you the information that you need to do the correct Canadian dollar to peso conversion and get the best value for money.

Table of Contents

Exchanging Canadian Dollar To Peso In The Philippines

Manage The Process For The Best Rate

If you don’t have any international travel experience, you may not realize that there are a few different ways to exchange money between currencies. The simplest way is probably just changing it at your bank when traveling, but that can cost 10% or more and also takes time. However, other options can save you some money and frustration. 

Is the process of exchanging Canadian dollars to Peso easy?

Is the process of exchanging Canadian dollars to Peso easy?

It would be best if you asked around for people who’ve traveled in the region before and see what they did or check online reviews of various currency exchange companies near where you’re planning to visit. Websites like Google will even show estimated costs or profits in your local currency!

Exchange Some Cash Before Your Journey

We recommend dividing your money into 80% cash and 20% credit cards. If you are going to explore common countries, you can avoid such problems as currency exchange failure. Thus it’s better to change money only in that particular country. 

But there is a risk of losing money because of possible theft, currency conversion, and some other unexpected things (e.g., ATM transaction isn’t complete). So we highly recommend keeping some cash on hand. If you lost the rest, at least you have this small amount of cash for daily living and emergencies.

Notice Exchange Rate

It’s important to know the exchange rate in order not to be ripped off. To make things even easier for you, it might be safest to bring your money upfront, though if you’re lucky enough, you can swap currency when you travel abroad, creating an opportunity with greater savings. 

The best way to go about this is by following the rates as they change every day so that if there is a chance of saving more money, then you can spend more wisely and appropriately.

Visit Banks For Exchange

When you are at home, changing your money should be easy at the bank. Simply go to the bank you use and tell them that you’d like to exchange currency. Banks are quite adept at exchanging currencies, so you don’t have much reason to worry. 

The only thing they ask of you is identification. The plus side of banks is that they can often provide some fairly good rates and will be able to answer any question related to their rate in regards to the lateness or earliness of your payment.

Canadian dollar to Peso exchange rate

Below is the exchange rate of Canadian dollar to Peso

Bank nameBuySell
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company38.8939.86
Banco de Oro
Bank of the Philippine Islands39.9841.12
Security Bank Corporation38.6741.68
Philippine National Bank38.1540.94
Updated as of1/21/2025
Source: Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas and banks

Quick exchange CAD to Peso according to amount of money

Canada Money (Unit: CAD)Philippines Money (Unit: PHP)
1 cad to php40.57
5 cad to php202.85
10 cad to php405.70
20 cad to php811.40
30 cad to php1,217.10
40 cad to php1,622.80
50 cad to php2,028.50
100 cad to php4,057.00
1000 cad to php40,570.00
10000 cad to php405,700.00
Updated as of:1/21/2025
Exchange rate based on average selling price of local banks

Exchanging Canadian Dollar To Peso Abroad

Have Cash

It’s important to know that different places you visit will likely require or otherwise accept different forms of payment. It will most likely be cash only when you arrive in a new country that isn’t your own! 

Exchange in the major bank

Exchange in the major bank

So, if you aren’t already aware, there are often limitations placed on the amount of money you can take out of an ATM at a given time, which means it might not always be possible for you to withdraw your daily allowance in one shot.

Draw Money From ATM

When traveling, it’s best to anticipate and expect the worst when it comes to exchanging currency. Consider using ATMs that use a major bank in the area where you’re at. 

Since they usually have a tie-up with big banks, you’ll find yourself getting the best rates for your transactions and typically won’t have to pay any checking or transaction fees either.

Use Card

When it’s possible, simply pay for things with your card. Make sure to use a major credit or debit card (like VISA or MasterCard / Maestro) that’s accepted at all businesses (except for maybe really small ones). 

As long as you make sure the bank you have an account with has branches abroad, and there’s a bank in the country where you’re going to go on a business trip, this should take care of you for expenses abroad. This is handy because your bank will take care of all the money exchange on their end, and you won’t have to worry too much about it. 

Using your card to pay

Using your card to pay

When paying by card, you should keep in mind that some companies might find it suspicious whenever somebody wants to pay with cards and not cash so that they might make additional checks, but this is something the bank can take care of.

Come To Major Bank

Just like you can exchange currency with a local bank or at a financial institution in your hometown, you can also use any large international bank once you arrive at your destination. 

Once you withdraw money from an ATM or open a bank account, it’s advisable to guard against unauthorized transactions or fees that might accompany these services, much like how credit card transactions operate at home.

You may recognize that you have a big problem ahead of you. It’s too bad that English-speaking people are in short supply. However, don’t get discouraged so easily! You find numerous banks on the way to your workplace, and there should be at least one in your area that gives loans to foreigners anyway.


When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know the local currency. Canadian dollar to peso conversion is one of the most common movements on the forex market. 

Travelers and merchants that frequently visit the Philippines often exchange the Canadian dollar for the Philippine Peso. We hope this blog post has helped you with all the necessary information that you might need for a wonderful journey! Cheers.

See also:

Euro to PHP – Euro to PHP Exchange rate

South Korean Won to PHP – KRW to PHP

Yuan to Philippine Peso – Yuan to PHP – RMB to PHP

Yen to PHP – JPY to PHP Exchange rate

Canadian dollar to Peso – CAD to PHP Exchange Rate 

AUD to PHP – Australian Dollar to Peso Exchange Rate

SGD to PHP – Singaporean Dollar To Peso Exchange Rate

Saudi Arabian Riyal To Peso – SAR to PHP Exchange Rate

Pound To Peso – GBP to PHP Exchange Rate

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