Peso Loan Review You Should Know

Imagine that you are in a financial situation where you have to pay for all your bills, but the only income coming into your house is from one source. It can be very difficult when it feels like there’s no way out of this cycle, which is why Peso Loan was created to get an easy loan to help them with their situation.

Find out all the information about Peso Loan terms and conditions here.

Table of Contents

Is Pesoloan Legit – Government Authorized Or Not?

To do business in the Philippines, any financial company must first obtain permission from the SEC. 

As we found out, Peso Loan is a company that offers financing solutions. You can find this company’s name in the List of Financing Companies, and their data are displayed below:

Number 419
Registration No. CS201824008
Certificate of Authority 1185
Anniversary Date 10/29/2018

PesoLoan is officially listed in the List of Registered Online Lending Companies

The company Pesoloan is listed on the SEC website. Since they are legally operating within Philippine law and have passed all necessary inspections by the Supervisory Authority, you can trust them, and we are sure this will work wonders.

Loan Parameters

Min amount Max amount Min terms Max terms
8000 PHP 10000 PHP 91 120

What You Need To Know About Pesoloan

Peso Loan offers online loans in a variety of quantities and interest rates. Interested candidates may instantly assess their potential loan, as well as how much extra they would need to pay. The secondary appeal provides additional rewards to a loyal consumer.

Peso Loan offers quick loan

Peso Loan offers quick loan

Pesoloan mobile applications are the trend of the future. With this app, you may submit an application and track your loan in real-time with a single swipe, as well as broaden your collaboration with other businesses.

Tips: You can also get easy cash from Opeso Philippines

Benefits Of The Company

You can obtain a loan as soon as feasible. It doesn’t matter why you need it – it might be for a medical test, study materials, or even just to buy food and clothes! You are not required to demonstrate the purpose.

Customers with requirements can use online financing services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

The decision on whether or not to execute an application normally takes no more than two days after it is submitted, depending on both the workload of the Peso Loan service and the amount of money you are asking in total.

Peso Loan company

Peso Loan company

Your money is always safe with us! We’ll credit it right away and tell you when the funds will be available in your account.

The interface of the Pesoloan App is very user-friendly

As soon as the terms and circumstances for this service are disclosed, clients may feel confident in their decision to take out a loan. We assure you that hidden fees or commissions do not exist so that everything will be clear from start to finish! Your request for a low-interest rate has also been granted.

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Product Introduction Of Peso Loan Company

  • 7,000.00 – 10,000.00 loan amount
  • Loan terms range from the shortest period of 91 days to the longest period of 120 days. Both include renewal time. 
  • The maximum APR is 20%.
  • There is no transaction fee.
  • Other expenses include a one-time sign fee and a service fee (per transaction). Minimum ten percent, maximum twenty percent.

Interest calculation

We will provide examples with specific numbers so you can visualize more about the total interest and cost you pay in the future.

Loan amount APR Service fee Term Total cost
Example 1 10.000 20% 10% 91 days 11,498.7
Example 2 10000 20% 10% 91 days 12,498.7

How To Use Peso Loan? 

When applying for a loan with Peso Loan, you may download the app on your phone and complete the full online process without having to wait in line every hour. 

Peso loan app

Peso loan app

Furthermore, you do not require any security assets, making it quite simple to obtain the financial assistance you require.

No collaterals!

Peso Loan is a new and revolutionary way to get money without any collateral. 

More convenient to borrow money!

Are you sick of getting stuck in the loan application process? 

Peso Loan understands the frustration and offers a new service. You will get money within 3 minutes after completion (longer if needed). 

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What Do You Need To Do To Get A Loan From Peso Loan?

To apply for a peso loan, you must be a Filipino at least 18 years old. You may sign up for a Peso Loan Philippines account at When you make your initial deposit, you must provide documentation to establish your identities, such as a driver’s license, passport, and phone number.

Downloading their app is also necessary – just update them within seconds through Google Play Store.

What is the Loan amount of Peso Loan?

Peso Loan is here to make your life easier. With P1000-P2000 for beginners and ₱ 2,000 – 10k later loan amount range and custom-tailored for you, they can help get the debt off the ground or finance that future purchase!

How much interest does Peso Loan Philippines charge on my loan?

Peso Loan stipulates a common interest rate for all loans of 20%.


When you’re in a financial situation, it can feel impossible to find your way out. But there are options.

PESO LOAN is one option worth exploring. It offers competitive interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and a streamlined online application process, making it quick and easy to qualify for this loan! 

Want to get cash fast and easy?

See also: PeraLending Philippines – Fully Automated Loan Service


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